Amongst Knights is an Journey Arcade 2D Recreation that tells an exquisite story of an historic battle between Knights and mutants. Amongst Knights comes with simple and pleasant gameplay in an incredible 2D setting, with a number of locations following the story. the video games story tells the future of a younger Knight who was fated to revenge the dying of his father and finds out some fact concerning the ancident. Dive into the story of Amongst Knights, with the younger knight, and defeat a few of these mutants in pursuit of their leaders who referred to as the Large Mutant! Theres loads to seek out, however one misstep and its throughout.
PC WQD For Motion amp Leap Mouse To Assault and Particular assault F for Firing Cell Digital Joystick for Motion Contact Keys for Assault Particular Assault Leap Fireplace
PC WQD For Movement amp Jump Mouse To Attack and Special attack F for Firing Mobile Virtual Joystick for Movement Touch Keys for Attack Special Attack Jump Fire
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